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Richard: When we first started this project I had a very surface level understanding of what the model family was. I also thought that most of Lima Senior wouldn't know about the myth of the model family. When we started the interviews it was clear that the staff and teachers knew while the students on the other hand had little to no idea what it was, meaning it has very little cultural significance now. I was also enlightened on fuller understanding on a non blood family and how sometimes they can mean more to someone then their blood family. Overall I hope with this project we can help some people understand what it truly means to be “Family”.

Branden: At the start, I thought that most of the students and staff most likely don’t have a model family when I first got it, but didn’t think that it was very important and it still isn’t. I don’t think that the model family is that important to talk about, or to see if I, or anyone else, has one, because the myth of the model family and the model family itself just an ideal. So in all, it’s not that important to care about. It the whole ideal of the model family isn’t about race at but because one race is better off than another doesn’t mean it’s meant for this race in particular it just just the ideal of how a family is supposed to be to be a good healthy, supportive, and stable family should be not how all families are in America.

Noah:  Starting out I didn’t really have any specific opinions on this topic, but now I think it’s a very important topic to bring up. Throughout discussions in class and just our group, there are a lot of things I have learned and reconsidered about the ‘model family’. For example, at the start of this, I knew what the model family was but just didn’t connect the ‘mom, dad, and 2 kids’ picture to the term ‘model family’. Now after reading more and interviewing people from around Lima Senior, I really feel that the term ‘model family’ is becoming obsolete nowadays and that American families shouldn’t be called ‘model’ or ‘perfect’ because there is no truly perfect family.

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